By submitting your photo, you acknowledge that you are 13 years or older and agree that Spinefarm Records ('Spinefarm') may use the photo (but is under no obligation to do so), in whole or in part (as any photo may be edited in Spinefarm's sole discretion), in photo albums or galleries, in music videos, at social media sites (i.e., YouTube, Twitter and Facebook) and online. You assign Spinefarm all rights of ownership, reproduction, and use of the photo for advertising, marketing, promotion or for any other commercial or non-commercial purpose whatsoever without compensation or further permission, including but not limited to an irrevocable and perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide right, in all media (now known or later developed) to assign, use, publish, edit, adapt, modify, alter, reproduce, distribute, display, copyright, create derivative works, transfer or assign, or otherwise exploit photos or videos, for commercial or non-commercial use, and without compensation to the entrant. By submitting your photo, you waive any and all rights you may have to the photo, including without limitation, any so called 'moral rights' (droit Moral) now or hereafter recognized. To the extent entrant has any rights in the photo, you assign all such rights to Spinefarm by submitting your photo.